We provides historical monthly and yearly weather data for 31788 weather stations in Europe, the United States and the World, starting from january 1701 year and ending with the current date.
Search for a chronicle (by index or name of a weather station, village or city):
Yukon, Canada
- Aishihik A
- Annie Lake Robinson
- Anvil
- Beaver Creek A
- Braeburn
- Burwash
- Carcross
- Carmacks
- Dawson A
- Doaktown
- Elsa
- Faro Aut
- Fort Hope
- Grand Lake Victoria
- Hour Lake
- Johnsons Crossing
- Komakuk Beach
- Mayo Road
- Mcquesten
- Mont Laurier
- Oakbank
- Ogilvie River
- Old Crow Rcs
- Otter Falls Ncpc
- Porter Creek Wahl
- Ross River A
- Salmon Arm Cs
- Snag A
- Southampton
- St Albans
- St. Lina Agcm
- Stewart Crossing
- Swede Creek
- Takhini River Ranch
- Tawatinaw Agcm
- Teslin
- Teslin A
- Tetslin Aut
- Watson Lake A
- Whitehorse A
- Whitehorse Riverdale
- Whitehorse Wso
- York Factory